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Showing posts from July 31, 2016

Consumer Risk Perception

(image borrowed from internet thanks to owner) Perception: the process by which people translate sensory impressions into a coherent and unified view of the world around them. Consumer: An end user who buy a product and use it actually. Risk: It is an uncertainty which is associated with each product. Consumer Risk Perception: whenever consumer make decisions to purchase any new product there is an element of uncertainty about the consequences and a perception of risk is involved in most such purchases. Risk perceptions can be defined as “the consumers” perceptions of uncertainty that they face when they are unable to foresee various consequences of their purchase decisions’. The relevant risk dimensions are the uncertainty and the consequences. It is worth nothing that the influence of risk depends on individual’s perception. This means that the risk actually may or may not exist and even if a real risk exist and even if a real risk exists but is not perceived, it will n