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Showing posts from December 27, 2009

Website Redesign

1. Website Designing Architecture According to SEO Search engines look explicitly at how all your pages are linked together in order to determine their place within the site. Pages that are linked from every other page will be given more weight than those that are only linked from a few others. This is all considered a form of internal link popularity, or in Google language, internal Page Rank. Here are only one search engine which is providing a ranking of a site by there own tools. 2. Website Content should not be Duplicate. when people need information from a search Engine like Google MSN Yahoo etc…, they formally have a question, a problem, or a need for specific information. The search queries they use at Google and the other popular engines reflect this. The many ways you can classify your content for the various target markets you serve, the better. and after this you will get the information about the specific search by the search engine 3. Website Content Management S