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What is campaign tagging? how to implement the tagging in marketing campaigns?

What is Campaign Tagging

Campaign tracking help you to determine the performance of your marketing campaign deployed on different mediums like website, email, and social.

Benefits and how to implement the tagging using campaign URL builder

Benefits of Campaign Tagging: Google Analytics cannot identify the different digital marketing campaigns that sends the visitors to your website. As Google analytics can determine the source like Facebook/referral but it cant determine which Facebook post or ad the traffic came from. Campaign tagging lets you overcome this situation.

If you are running Email Campaigns, campaign tagging rises from really good idea to critical. This is because traffic from email will be grossly under-reported (for various technical reasons) if you don’t tag all links pointing back to your website.

If you are running paid search campaigns outside of AdWords (or AdWords campaigns with auto tagging disabled), those visits may show up as organic visits. 

Campaign tagging consolidates all campaign data in a set of campaign reports (found under Acquisition> campaigns). 

How to Tag a Campaign

1. Open the Campaign URL Builder. With this tool, you can add all the required information, Also, you can add extra information which is required for your marketing campaign.

2. Add the Campaign Tags: Medium, Source, and Campaign are required campaign tags. You can also add tag for content and terms. 

3. Campaign Links: Copy and paste the URL into your email or Facebook post like a normal link. You can also, shorten your link by using bitly. However, it is not recommended.

More Information and examples for each parameter.

The following table gives a detailed explanation and example of each of the campaign parameters:





Campaign ID




Used to identify which ads campaign this referral references. Use utm_id to identify a specific ads campaign.

Campaign Source




Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.

Campaign Medium




Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.

Campaign Name




Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.

Campaign Term




Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad.

Campaign Content




Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.

Campaign Tagging Tips:

 Enable Auto-Tagging for Google Ads: Manual URL tagging can be avoided for Google Ads campaigns. Simply, link your Google ads account to Google ads and enable auto-tagging. 

 Enable Auto-Tagging for Email: Auto Tagging can also be set up for email providers like mailchimp. Once Setup, link click will automatically be recorded in Google Analytics as the subject of the email without manual tagging. 

 Track Facebook Ads in Google Analytics: Facebook ads manager gives you detailed insights on the performance of your ad conversions. however, by tagging your links will give you better insights like what else your audience is interested in - before and after conversions.


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